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23 Feb 2023


EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students a.k.a Erasmus

This student mobility program was initiated in 1987 by the European Union. In January 2014, it became Erasmus+ and consists of all the programs driven by the European Union for education, sport, youth-work and training development. Erasmus experience is a unique experience because it provides an opportunity for participants to embark on a journey of social learning and cultural exchange. The program is not just limited to students but also includes specialized programs to mobilize staff and teachers as well from higher education institutions. Erasmus+ is seen as a driving force for continuing the trend of internationalization which is highly valued by the respective units of the University of Pécs including the Faculty of Sciences.

Explore the different exchange programmes our Faculty has to offer!

Erasmus+ Study Exchange Program (Incoming)

Erasmus+ Study Exchange Program (Outgoing)

Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility Program

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program